
Saturday 5 September 2015

White Day, Year 3

Years skip ahead when you 'beat' the game.  Freya therefore remains unmarried, although all bachelors, including Doug (who went through a period when LP could not be raised) are at 10 or above.

I accepted Leon's invitation to a Date on one file where I have had three proper dates and hope to experience his proposal soon.  He told me to meet him in Selphia Plaza at 18.00 hours and not to be late.  Of course I was late because I had to finish Meg's music event at Obsidian Mansion in the morning and accept Cookies from all other males.

Leon:  There you are. 
My choices:  So what's up?
Um, is this for...?
Um, is this for...?
Leon:  Yes.  Don't stare so much.  It's disconcerting.  I hope you like it.
Freya:  A Cookie...?
Leon: Yes.
Freya:  Thank you.:
Leon:  You're welcome.
Freya:  Hee hee....
Leon: ...
Freya:  Darling?
Leon:  Stop.  Don't look at me with those puppy eyes. 
Freya:  You're bright red.  You know that?
Leon:  As are you.
Freya:  hee hee hee.
Leon:  You look ridiculously happy right now.  ... Ah, well, I guess it isn't a bad thing to indulge every once in a while.
He then LEAVES!

I waited all day for THIS????

I chase him down.
Leon:  How was today/  Did you have fun?  So this event is held ever year then? ...  I'll just worry about next year when next year arrives.
Freya:  (...He's blushing.)

All Cookies given are plain and Level 1 even this year, even from Leon.  No Choc. Cookies as in other games from higher level LP Bachelors.

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