
Rune Factory 4 Cooking Recipes Guide

Cooking in Rune Factory 4

Cooking basically is similar to other Harvest Moon and Rune Factory games.  The Player must have the correct 'Tool' or 'Utensil' as well as any Required Ingredients in order to make any Cooked Dish successfully.  Cooking Bread can be purchased from Porcoline for 100G.  It will contain one or more Recipes but if your Cooking Level is too low, your Character will declare that he/she 'learned nothing'.  The Cooking Bread therefore will be wasted!  Best always to save your game after buying any Cooking Bread BEFORE you eat it.  The more Cooking Tools/Utensils that you have, the better the chances that you will learn a Recipe or more than one from any Cooking Bread that you consume.  The higher your Cooking Experience, the better the chances as well.

Every Cooked Dish has specific Energy Values as well as Effects that can be positive or negative.  Consumption of any Cooked Dish will result in the display of a tiny Apple Icon next to your Character's HP bar.  Any temporary Effects will be timed from the moment of consumption.  Effects such as increase of HP or RP will not be timed.

In this game, your Character will need a Licence to Cook.  There are different Licences within the Cooking sphere.  The first will allow you to cook 'Simple Recipes' using the basic Utensils/Tools which must be purchased then from Porcoline.  The Cooking Table is a Gift that you will obtain at your first meeting with him in the Inn.  It will be placed in front of the Counter.  I made the error of thinking that it was a permanent fixture in my first game and therefore had to wait until noon each day to enter the Inn in order to cook.  It was only after two days of this nonsense that I realised it was MY Cooking Table to be taken and placed wherever I chose!

Every Utensil/Tool that you buy will have a construction price in the form of a specific amount of Lumber and Material Stone as well as a price in Gold.    Advanced Recipes will require a second Licence.

With the first Licence, the basic Tools are:

Cooking Table: 500G, Lumber 10, Stone: 30
Knife: 1200G, Lumber: 10, Stone: 30
Frying Pan: 2600G Lumber: 10, Stone: 50

Tools that can be purchased after you have the advanced Licence are:

Oven: 10000G, Lumber: 10, Stone: 80
Steamer: 5600G, Lumber: 10, Stone: 80
Pot: 8800G, Lumber: 10, Stone: 80
Cooking Bread is the primary method by which Recipes are obtained, but you can make Cooked Dishes without having the Recipe in your List.  If you have the proper Tool/Utensil and all Required Ingredients, you will have a chance of success if your Experience Level is within a certain range of the Required Level for that Dish.  What will be different, however, from the same Recipe if it is in your List, is the amount of RP that it takes to make it.  Dishes made without Recipes require more RP.

Recipes are listed in order of Required Experience Level rather than being alphabetically organised.  In other RF and HM games, one had to be within 10 Levels of the 'Required' Level in order to have any chance of success.  I believe that probably is the case here as well.

Cooking Table Recipes:

N.B.  You will be given a Cooking Table when first you enter the Inn.  Furniture in Rune Factory 4 can be moved, but you physically must hoist it on your shoulders and then carry it to its destination.  In my first game, I did not understand that I could take the Cooking Table with me and therefore waited about every morning until noon for the Inn to open before I could cook!

Onigiri: 57G
  Buy: 180G
  Level 2
  Ingredients:  Rice

Pickled Turnip: 48G
  Buy: 400G
  Level 4
  Ingredients:  Turnip

Bamboo Rice: 162G
  Buy: 490G
  Level 7
  Ingredients:  Rice, Bamboo Sprout

Pickles: 105G
  Buy: 450G
  Level 10
  Ingredients: Cucumber

Pickled Turnip: 48G
  Buy: 400G
  Level 12
  Ingredients:  Pink Turnip

Salmon Onigiri: 645G
  Buy: 2000G
  Level 20
  Ingredients:  Rice, Salted Salmon

Cheese: 400G
  Buy: 2500G
  Level 22
  Ingredients: Milk (S), Sour Drop

Sandwich: 964G
  Buy: 3900G
  Level 34
  Ingredients:  Bread, Egg, Cucumber

Fruit Sandwich: 540G
  Buy: 1920G
  Level 35
  Ingredients: Bread, Strawberry

Pickle Mix: 520G
  Buy: 2800G
  Level 48
  Ingredients:  Turnip, Pink Turnip

Relax Tea Leaves: 100G
  Buy: 2800G
  Level 50
  Ingredients:  White Grass, Orange Grass, Green Grass, Purple Grass, Yellow Grass, Blue Grass


Mixer Recipes:

Orange Juice: 92G
  Buy: 290G
  Level 5
  Required Ingredients:  Orange

Grape Juice: 140G
  Buy: 440G
  Level 7
  REquired Ingredients:  Grape

Apple Juice: 175G
  Buy: 530G
  Level 11
  Required Ingredients: Apple

Butter: 300G
  Buy: 1500G
  Level 15
  Required Ingredients:  Milk (S)

Fruit Juice: 630G
  Buy: 1980G
  Level 18
  Required Ingredients:  Apple, Orange, Grapes

Ice Cream: 645G
  Buy: 2000G
  Level 25
  Required Ingredients:  Milk (S), Sweet Powder

  Required Ingredients:  Oil, Egg (S)


You can purchase both a Forge for forging Weapons and Tools from Bado as well as a Crafting Table in order to create Accessories.  Each requires its own Licence which you can obtain by using Princess Points and taking the requisite Examination.

A Forge costs 3000 Gold and 30 Lumber and 25 Material Stone.  It is an enormous piece of Furniture and it is quite amusing to watch your Character carry it through the Village once you have purchased it.  Bado will give you some basic Recipes for 'cheap' Weapons and Tools with the Forge.

For a Crafting Table, you need 3000 Gold, 50 Lumber and 10 Material Stone.

Once set in place, you will find that forging is a bit different from Cooking.  To upgrade any Weapon or Tool, you will need a specific amount of RP that depends upon the upgrade Material.  In other words, you will not be able to use the best Materials initially simply beceause your MAXIMUM RP will be inadequate to the task.

In other words, you can take a Level 1 Steel Sword purchased from Bado and, without any other experience whatsoever at the Forge, upgrade it with Materials such as a Stick or Fur.  What you cannot do is upgrade it with Ambrosia's Thorns or even Bronze.

Note that you need not purchase anything really in the form of Weapons or Armour in the first Spring if you explore the dungeons sufficiently.  You can find Chests that contain better stuff than Bado sells and if it is at Level 1, upgrade it to Level 10 without any difficulty.  I do like forging and crafting, so a bit of work there is required to raise your own Skill levels to be able to make decent items or upgrade them with decent improvements, but it is not difficult.  I found an Elvish Harp, Aquamarine and Amethyst Staff, Round Shield, a number of different Boots, and earned more stuff by completing requests and exploring.

At Level 16 in the second week of Spring, Freya's Maximum HP was 295 and her Maximum RP was 358.  Although there are edible Items as well as Accessories that can increase Maximum RP temporarily, there would be no way to increase it to the point where she could have used Bronze to upgrade her Steel Sword.

I made a Cutlass as that is superior to the Steel Sword, then began to upgrade that.


  Ingredients:  Iron or Bronze

  Ingredients:  Bronze, Claws/Fangs
  Easiest Ingredients:  Bronze, Insect Jaw

  Ingredients:  Silver, Aquamarine

  Ingredients:  Invisible Stone, Claws/Fangs, Crystals
  Easiest Ingredients:  Invisible Stone, Insect Jaw, Earth Crystal

N.B.  The Invisiblade is a wonderful shortsword, and the Invisible Stone can be found in Yokmir Forest from the beginning.  I usually find it in the chamber with the Save Point that leads to Ambrosia.  It will be on the right, in the first or second group of rocks that contain Iron, Scrap or Invisible Stone.  I have found it as well in the area to the right of the entrance to the Forest.


Elvish Harp:
  Ingredienst:  Strings, Sticks/Stems

  Ingredients: Silver, Furs, Sticks/Stems


Easy Armour


  Ingredients: Cloth/Skins

  Ingredients:  Cloth and Skins, Furs

Cotton Cloth:
  Ingredients:  Old Bandage, Old Bandage, Spider's Thread

  Ingredients:  Bronze, Liquids*
  *You can obtain Glue from Orcs in the lower caves of Yokmir Forest, when you leap down the cliff.


Small Shield:
  Ingredients:  Minerals

  Ingredients:  Cloths and Skins, Strings, Sticks and Stems

Iron Shield:
  Ingredients:  Iron, Iron

Monkey Plush
  Ingredients:  Yellow Down, Cloths and Skins, Cloths and Skins

Round Shield:
  Ingredients:  Bronze

Turtle Shield:
  Ingredients:  Turtle Shell, Bronze, Liquids


  Ingredients:  Cloths and Skins

Blue Ribbon:
  Ingredients:  Blue Grass, Cloths and Skins, Strings

Green Ribbon:
  Ingredients:  Gree Grass, Cloths and Skins, Strings

Purple Ribbon:
  Ingredients:  Purple Grass, Cloths and Skins, Strings

  Ingredients:  Aquamarine, Aquamarine

Straw Hat:
  Ingredients:  Strings, Strings

Fancy Hat:
  Ingredients:  Clopths and SKins, Strings

Cute Knitting:
  Ingredients:  CLoths and Skins, Cloths and Skins

Fireproof Hood
  Ingredients:  Ghost Hood, Cloth and Skins

Silk Hat:
  Ingredients:  Black Grass, Cloths and Skins

Black Ribbon:
  Ingredients:  Black Grass, Cloths and Skins, Strings

Lolita Headdress:
  Ingredients:  Black Grass, Cloths and Skins, Cloths and Skins,  Strings

  Ingredients: Cloth and Skins, Cloth and Skins, Cloth and Skins, Strings

Cat Ears:
  Ingredients:  Furs


Leather Boots:
  Ingredients:  Furs

Free Farming Shoes:
  Ingredients:  Strings, Furs

Secret Shoes:
  Ingredients:  Glue, Minerals

Piyo Sandals: 25G
  Buy: 320G
DEF 5, Love Res 25%, Diz Res 100% Diz 20
  Ingredients:  Insect Carapace, Cloths and Skins

Complete Recipes for Cooking

Note these were all for the 3DS.  I am assuming they have not changed.


Onigiri: Rice
Pickled Turnip: Turnip
Bamboo Rice: Rice, Bamboo Shoot
Pickles: Cucumber
Pickled Turnip: Pink Turnip
Salmon Onigiri: Salted Salmon, Rice
Cheese: Sour Drop, Milk
Sandwich: Bread, Egg,  Cucumber
Fruit Sandwich: Bread,  Strawberry
Pickled Mix: Turnip,  Pink Turnip
Relax Tea Leaves: White Grass, Orange Grass, Green Grass, Yellow Grass, Blue Grass, Purple Grass
Salad: Mayonnaise, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Cabbage
Turnip Heaven: Turnip, Pink Turnip, Gold Turnip


Basically, these are single ingredient recipes:

Pike Sashimi: Pike
Trout Sashimi: Trout
Cherry Sashimi: Cherry Salmon
Needlefish Sashimi: Needlefish
Squid Sashimi: Squid
Girella Sashimi: Girella
Sardine Sashimi: Sardine
Salmon Sashimi: Salmon
Shrimp Sashimi: Shrimp
Char Sashimi: Char
Turbot Sashimi: Turbot
Rainbow Sashimi: Rainbow Trout
Flounder Sashimi: Flounder
Skipjack Sashimi: Skipjack
Lobster Sashimi: Lobster
Snapper Sashimi: Snapper
Lamp Squid Sashimi: Lamp Squid
Fall Sashimi: Fall Flounder
Lover Sashimi: Throbby Snapper
Yellowtail Sashimi: Yellowtail
Blowfish Sashimi: Blowfish
Tuna Sashimi: Tuna
Sunsquid Sashimi: Sunsquid
Taimen Sashimi: Taimen
Glitter Sashimi: Glitter Snapper


Baked Apple: Apple
Fried Eggs: Egg (S)
French Fries: Oil, Potato
Omelet: Milk, Egg (S)
Fried Rice: Rice, Oil, Egg (S)
Miso Eggplant: Eggplant
French Toast: Bread, Egg (S)
Croquettes: Oil, Potato, Egg (S)
Tempura: Oil, Flour, Shrimp, Egg (S)
Donut: Oil, Flour, Butter,  Egg (M)
Risotto: Rice,  Wine,  Butter
Pancakes: Flour, Honey,  Milk (S), Egg (S)
Popcorn: Corn
Corn Cereal: Corn, Milk (S)
Curry Bread: Flour, Curry, Oil
Omelet Rice: Omelet, Rice, Ketchup
Fried Vegetables: Cabbage
Cabbage Cakes: Flour, Cabbage,  Egg (S), Leek
Dry Curry: Rice, Curry Powder, Carrot, Onion
Gyoza: Flour, Onion, Cabbage
Fried Udon: Flour, Onion, Carrot, Cabbage
Salted Pond Smelt: Pond Smelt,  Sour Drop
Salted Pike: Pike, Sour Drop
Salted Masu Trout: Masu Trout, Sour Drop
Salted C. Salmon: Cherry Salmon, Sour Drop
Grilled Needlefish: Needlefish, Sour Drop
Grilled Squid: Squid, Sour Drop
Grilled C. Carp: Crucian Carp, Sour Drop
Grilled S.Flounder: Sand Flounder,  Sour Drop
Grilled Mackerel: Mackerel, Sour Drop
Grilled Girella: Girella, Sour Drop
Salted Salmon: Salmon, Sour Drop
Grilled Shrimp: Shrimp, Sour Drop
Salted Char: Char, Sour Drop
Grilled Gibelio: Gibelio, Sour Drop
Grilled Turbot: Turbot, Sour Drop
Salted Chub: Chub,  Sour Drop
Dried Sardines: Sardine, Sardine, Sardine (Sardine x 3)
Salted R. Trout: Rainbow Trout
Grilled Flounder: Flounder, Sour Drop
Grilled Skipjack: Skipjack, Sour Drop
Grilled Lobster: Lobster, Sour Drop
Grilled Snapper: Snapper, Sour Drop
Grilled Lamp Squid: Lamp Squid, Sour Drop
Grilled F. Flounder: Fall Flounder, Sour Drop
Grilled L. Snapper: Throbby Snapper, Sour Drop
Grilled Yellowtail: Yellowtail, Sour Drop
Grilled Blowfish: Blowfish, Sour Drop
Tuna Teriyaki: Tuna, Sour Drop
Grilled Sunsquid: Sunsquid, Sour Drop
Salted Taimen: Taimen, Sour Drop
Grillled G. Snapper: Glitter Snapper, Sour Drop


Rice Porridge: Rice
Marmalade: Orange
Udon: Flour
Grape Jam: Grape
Apple Jam: Apple
Hot Chocolate: Chocolate
Boiled Spinach: Spinach
Hot Milk: Milk (S)
Boiled Egg: Egg (S)
Yogurt: Sweet Powder, Milk (S)
Milk Porridge: Rice, Milk (S)
Egg Bowl: Rice, Egg (S)
Boiled Pumpkin: Pumpkin
Strawberry Jam: Strawberry
Glazed Yam: Sweet Potato, Yam
Grilled Miso: Radish
Cheese Fondue: Bread, Cheese
Grape Liqueur: Grape, Wine
Rockfish Stew: Rockfish
Tempura Udon: Tempura, Udon
Curry Rice: Rice, Curry Powder, Carrot, Potato
Curry Udon: Flour, Curry*
Tempura Bowl: Rice, Tempura
Relax Tea: Relax Tea Leaves, Honey, Pink Melon, Leek
Stew: Flour, Milk (M), Potato, Carrot, Onion
Boiled Gyoza: Flour, Onion, Cabbage
Chowder: Radish, Leek,  Bok Choy,  Mushroom, Hot-Hot fruit
Ultimate Curry: Curry Powder, Wine, Devil Blood, Heavy Spices,  Onion, Gold Turnip
Royal Curry: Curry Powder, Apple, Honey, Mixed Herb, Onion, Emery Flower

  *Curry Rice or Dry Curry


Bread: Flour
Baked Onigiri: Onigiri
Sweet Potato: Yam
Toast: Bread
Raisin Bread: Grape, Bread
Jam Roll: Flour, Jam, Egg (S), Milk (S)
Apple Pie: Flour, Apple, Butter, Egg (S)
Cookies: Flour, Sweet Powder, Egg (S), Butter
Seafood Doria: Rice, Shrimp, Cheese, Squid, Milk (S)
Seafood Gratin: Flour, Shrimp, Cheese,  Squid, Milk (S)
Butter Roll: Flour,  Butter,  Egg (S), Milk (S)
Chocolate Cookies: Flour,  Butter,  Sweet Powder,  Chocolate,  Egg (S)
Cheesecake: Cheese, Egg (S), Milk (S), Sweet Powder
Yam of the Ages: Sweet Powder,  Butter, Milk (S),  Yam
Chocolate Cake: Flour, Chocolate, Butter, Sweet Powder, Milk (S), Egg (S)
Grilled Corn: Corn
Cake: Flour, Butter, Sweet Powder, Strawberry, Milk (S), Egg (S)
Seafood Pizza: Flour, Cheese, Ketchup, Shrimp, Squid
Pizza: Flour, Cheese, Ketchup,  Green Pepper, Eggplant
Doria: Rice, Cheese, Milk,  Onion
Gratin: Flour, Cheese, Milk, Onion


Dumplings: Rice Flour
Chinese Manju: Flour, Bamboo Shoot
Pound Cake: Flour, Egg (S)
Flan: Egg (S), Milk (S)
Steamed Bread: Flour, Egg (S), Milk (S)
Chocolate Sponge: Flour, Chocolate, Egg (S), Milk (S)
Cheese Bread: Flour, Cheese, Egg (S), Milk (S)
Pumpkin Flan: Egg (S),  Milk (S), Pumpkin
Curry Manju: Flour, Curry*
Meat Dumplings: Flour, Shrimp, Onion
Steamed Dumplings: Flour, Onion, Cabbage

  *Curry Rice or Dry Curry


Orange Juice: Orange
Grape Juice: Grape
Apple Juice: Apple
Butter: Milk
Fruit Juice: Apple, Grape, Orange
Ice Cream: Sweet Powder, Milk (S)
Mayonnaise: Oil, Egg (S)
Strawberry Milk: Strawberry, Milk (S)
Tomato Juice: Tomatoes
Fruit Smoothie: Fruit Juice, Milk (S)
Ketchup: Sour Drop, Tomatoes
Vegetable Juice: Pumpkin, Turnip, Carrot, Spinach
Prelude to Love: Pink Melon, Strawberry
Vegetable Smoothie: Vegetable Juice,  Milk
Hot Juice: Heavy Spices, Hot-Hot fruit
Pineapple Juice: Pineapple
Mixed Juice: Apple, Grape, Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry, Milk
Mixed Smoothie: Mixed Juice,  Honey
Gold Juice: Gold Pumpkin, Emery Flower, Gold Potato, Gold Turnip, Gold Cabbage


Sword Sword

  Lv. 1
  Ingredients:  Minerals

Steel Sword:
  Lv. 3
  Ingredients:  Minerals, Claws and Fangs

Steel Sword +
  Lv. 4
  Ingredients:  Steel Sword, Minerals

  Lv. 7
  Bronze, Claws and Fangs

  Lv. 15
  Ingredients:  Silver, Aquamarine

  Lv. 16
  Ingredients:  Invisible Stone, Claws and Fangs, Crystals
  ATK +150, M.ATK +5, DIZ +6

  Lv. 19
  Ingredients:  Sapphire, Claws and Fangs

Burning Sword:
  Lv. 20
  Ingredients:  Gold, Fire Crystal

Back Scratcher:
  Lv. 20
  Ingredients:  Glue, Sticks and Stems
  ATK +69, M. ATK +20, DIZ +20, CRIT +5%

Duel Blades

Short Dagger:
  Lv. 5
  Ingredients:  Minerals, Minerals

Steel Edge:
  Lv. 9
  Iron, Iron, Bronze

Double Scratch:
  Lv. 12
  Ingredients: Back Scratcher, Back Scratcher

Frost Edge:
  Lv. 13
  Ingredients: Aquamarine, Aquamarine, Liquids

Iron Edge:
  Lv. 21
  Ingredients:  Iron, Iron, Silver

Thief Knife:
  Lv. 23
  Ingredients:  Silver, Silver

  Lv. 23
  Ingredients:  Silver, Silver, Iron, Iron

  Lv. 23
  Ingredients:  Silver, Silver, Iron, Iron


  1. Looks like you stopped doing all the recipes. :-(

  2. You have a lot of information missing, and wrong.
