Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Pajama Party Event

This is a 'Town Event' initiated randomly when you speak to Margaret.  She will ask you to come to her house on the following evening for a Pajama Party.   I mention this in a post primarily because it is one of the few events where, once you go to the Party, you will not be able to leave until 6.00 a.m. the next morning.  It therefore became rather important to discover the times when you could go to the party and how late...  If you go between 9.00 p.m. and 11.00 p.m., it appears that you first need to speak to Margaret to choose the sort of music she will play.  You then need to speak to her again to initiate the Pajama Party.

If you go between 11.00 and midnight, you will be able to enter her house but she will be asleep, giving you no opportunity to initiate the party event. If you go after midnight, her door will be locked.

I tried to sneak Leon into the house with me but not surprisingly, she told me to get rid of my companion and return later...

The dialogues of the party are not interesting in the least, all about weight loss and weight.  The most interesting detail was the fact that you, Dolce and Pico were the last to fall asleep, but that is random as well as when I replayed the event, the last to sleep were Clorica (rather surprisingly), Margaret and I.  Really the best part is seeing all the girls in their nighties, a pretty sight indeed.

I do believe this is an Event that can occur more than once, but will confirm that if it happens again.

Pico:  Dolly, Next time, why don't you bring a silkier, more see-through pair of ... MPGH!
Dolce:  Why would I wear something like that/

Actually, the dialogues, if you speak to different girls in the morning before they shoot out the door are fascinating.

In one, Clorica suggests telling scary stories, although it is the wrong time for that sort of thing.  She says Volkanon told her a good one.  The story is from the beginning of the original Rune Factory where a boy who has lost his memory appears, wants water and is given some by a girl with a watering can.  Each time you replay the event, there will be a different result in terms of the group dialogues that can be experienced.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Romantic Dates in Rune Factory 4

When you first become eligible to accept dates with bachelors, there are only a couple of options, and they are fairly standard, but later, you will have new options.  One is a date at the Blacksmith.

Here things become far more entertaining.  When you choose the Blacksmith, Bado has a diverse number of dialogues wherein he will address you both at the start of the Event.

Bado:  Have fun love-birds.  Oh yeah, and don't forget to equip whatever you make.  Won't do you any good otherwise!  Not that you'd pass up the chance to equip each other's precious craft works, of course!

Vishnal: Princess, let's do it!
Freya:  Hope we can make it right.
Vishnal:  Don't worry!  I did some special training in the art of the forge!
Freya:  Ooh, sounds grueling!  (I like 'em well-trained...)
Vishnal:  I didn't exactly... do any firled training.  I practiced only in my mind.  But I think that's enough!  I feel confident that I can succeed in this endeavour, so please, discard your worries!
Screen darkens, then:
Created Silver Pendant!)
Vishnal:  It's done!
Freya:  Yaaay!
Vishnal:  It's thanks to your assistance that it's turned out as well as it has.  I would not have been able to accomplish this on my own.  Love truly is almighty!

Now you have a chance as always during a date to make a move on the bachelor either by getting closer physically or holding hands, or 'pat on the head' or 'poke in the cheek'...

Hold hands
Vishnal:  Ah!
Freya:  You don't like it...?
Vishnal:  N-no!  No no no no no!  I-I mean, that's not it!  I do!  I really do1  I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time and I was so focused on that... I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this...
(Displays big red heart)
Vishnal:  Shall we go home?  I'll walk you.
Now you can accept or say you wish to spend more time with him, in which case he will attach himself as your companion for 'an adventure' .

Note that the dialogue from Bado can occur with any bashelor but that the dialogue with the bachelor changes with the particular bachelor.

The actual accessory made is random and if you reload will be different.

Other Bado introductions to the event:

Bado:  All right... everything's ready to go.  Forge to your hearts' desires!  And if the furnace isn't hot enough, you two can always use your fiery love as a bellows!

At first I thought that the type of accessory in terms of Level requirement would be based on the experience level or personality of your date, but that isn't the case.  Kiel, one of the least experienced, created a 'Dolphin Brooch' and Vishnal at one point created a 'Platinum Bracelet', a fairly decent accessory.

This is one of the better Date prospects as you receive Accessories instead of a mere Flower or whatever...  will go through the others again though to see if gifts improve now that Freya is high level LP with all the bachelors.


Although this is not a Date situation, it is interesting.  Whenever you have a companion with you, he/she will take a bath when you choose the same option and afterwards may give you a Gift.

Vishnal:  Aah!  There is nothing better than an Ice Cream after a nice, hot soak.

Note that you can have two companions, both of whom can be Characters or tame Monsters or one of each.  When they are human, as previously stated, they will take baths when you do and all of their energy will be restored as well.

Date at your own Room

As you continue to have dates with bachelors, the list of venues will expand to include, for example, the Blacksmith where you can craft a random Accessory that can be quite valuable.  At some point, having had a few dates with Kiel, I asked for another and HE suggested my room.  I met him in the Square and experienced the following:

Kiel:  So this is your room, huh?  It sure does have the feel of a girl's room!
Freya:: It does?
Kiel:  So what do you usually do when you're at home?
My choices:
I mostly sleep
Chose Housework
Kiel:  Oh, that makes sense!  You're royalty, so I b3et you have a lot of paperwork and stuff to do here in the castle.
Freya:  Erm, no, that's not what I meant...
Kiel:  Huh?  ... Oh, you mean... actual housework?  Like, cleaning and stuff?  That didn't even cross my mind.  I just couldn't picture it!
Freya:  Really?  Why not?
Kiel:  well, you're so cool and stuff, it just didn't seem very ... you
Freya;  ..
Then the usual:  Now's my chance...

We hold hands... then when I choose 'talk'
Kiel:  I guess I should stop sptreading all these rumours.

Not certain how to end this, I craft an Engagement Ring and attempt to give it to him... He won't take it.  I then try to give it to Volkanon who happens to have wandered into my room:

Volkanon:  WHAT?!  That will NEVER do!  Miss Freya!!  You ALREADY have...  ... A very fitting!  Appropriate!  Loving!  Partner!  (Growling loudly now)  To say you choose me on such a whim is utterly scandalous!!

Kiel:  Ooh, I can have it?  Thanks! Wait, this is a Wedding Ring.  I really can't accept one of those.

Can't get rid of the bloody thing.

Mistress Turpin:  After all, I may or maya not have some one waiting for me.
Clumsy Jimmy:  i cant accept this.  Besides, isn't this meant for some one else/

Doug:  Hey, what do you think you're doing?  This is the guy's job!  But never ind that!  This isn't the time for that stuff anyway!

Porco:  OOOH@  Have your feelings finally come through?  I... I... I'M SO HAPPY! ... by which I mean I'm sorry.
Freya:  Wha...?

Dylas;  What the hell is this?  Come up with a better prank next time!

Ln Fa:  Oh my!  A wedding ring?  Why thank you!  It's lovely.  Tee hee!  I'm just kidding.  I already have Papa, you see.

Margaret:  Wha?  Hey, What is this for?  This isn't something you can just hand out to people, you know.

And even the love of my life, Leon:  ... An Engagement Ring?  I'll pretend I never saw this.  It's not, after all, something I could accept right now.

Barrett:  What the hell is this?
My choices:  Marry me, Teacher.
Just kidding.
For the hell of it, Marry me, Teacher.
Barrett:  You can't be serious!
My choices now:
Students deserve love.
Just kidding.
Students deserve love.
Barrett:  Not like that, they don't.  Sorry, but I can't do this. Especially if you're pretending to be a student.
My choices now:
Can I at least get a hug?
I was just kidding.
Can I at least get a hug?
Barrett: ?!.. Will that get you to give up?
Now, my choices:
I was just kidding.
It was just a joke.
I was just kidding.
Barrett:  Hey!... Don't make fun of teachers, all right?

Saturday, 5 September 2015

White Day, Year 3

Years skip ahead when you 'beat' the game.  Freya therefore remains unmarried, although all bachelors, including Doug (who went through a period when LP could not be raised) are at 10 or above.

I accepted Leon's invitation to a Date on one file where I have had three proper dates and hope to experience his proposal soon.  He told me to meet him in Selphia Plaza at 18.00 hours and not to be late.  Of course I was late because I had to finish Meg's music event at Obsidian Mansion in the morning and accept Cookies from all other males.

Leon:  There you are. 
My choices:  So what's up?
Um, is this for...?
Um, is this for...?
Leon:  Yes.  Don't stare so much.  It's disconcerting.  I hope you like it.
Freya:  A Cookie...?
Leon: Yes.
Freya:  Thank you.:
Leon:  You're welcome.
Freya:  Hee hee....
Leon: ...
Freya:  Darling?
Leon:  Stop.  Don't look at me with those puppy eyes. 
Freya:  You're bright red.  You know that?
Leon:  As are you.
Freya:  hee hee hee.
Leon:  You look ridiculously happy right now.  ... Ah, well, I guess it isn't a bad thing to indulge every once in a while.
He then LEAVES!

I waited all day for THIS????

I chase him down.
Leon:  How was today/  Did you have fun?  So this event is held ever year then? ...  I'll just worry about next year when next year arrives.
Freya:  (...He's blushing.)

All Cookies given are plain and Level 1 even this year, even from Leon.  No Choc. Cookies as in other games from higher level LP Bachelors.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

You Learn Something New Every Day or Tips from Minor Characters...

Before Rune Factory, Harvest Moon was my favourite series, but I have to admit that once Rune Factory appeared, it instantly assumed that status.  I found the combination of Farming, Forging and Fighting irresistable.  And still love the series.

If you do not like dialogue and random events, Rune Factory 4 is not for you but if you do, it is even more packed with special surprises than any previous game in the series.

Apart from the many little mini-dialogues and events that occur between characters randomly, there are new tips from minor characters that I discover even now:

Angry Ev:  Rare Can looks like nothing but  trash.  But if you use it to strengthen a weapon, it'll make monsters drop rare items more often.

When I used the bath with Doug as companion, he was waiting in the foyer with Onigiri for me afterwards, complaining it took a long time!

Trader Scott:  Do you know what happens when you raise healing spells like Medipoison to their maximum level?  It heals various types of status ailments.  Not just poison.

Smart Brit:  When you get a high level seed, it's best to ship it first.  Once it's shipped, the shop might get in seeds of that level, too.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Early Forging and Crafting Upgrade Tips and Values

Playing through the game a second time as a boy, I find myself returning to my old, more careful ways of noticing things and oddities.  Rune Factory, like Harvest Moon requires a lot of time, energy and patience.  You cannot forge the weapons you would like to make at the beginning, nor can you craft armour and accessories that are very powerful, even if you find potent upgrade materials in the dungeons.  The first of any item found, by the way, really ought to be shipped as you then will have an opportunity to purchase it in the future, even if that option does not exist quite at the start.  Later, merchants can be enticed to the village who will offer any item you have shipped (apart from a couple of odd exceptions) randomly for sale.

So, what is a poor farmer/adventurer to do?  You may have a wonderful Lightning Mane, but the difficulty value is far too high to use it.  Here is a list of items that are found easily at the start that can be used either to upgrade weapons and accessories you actually intend to use or to use simply to raise your experience level at the Forge and Crafting Table.

Note that the items listed below are NOT War Trophies or items that one would expect to carry increased abilities or potency.  They are the items that do NOT give any values when you hold them or look at them on their own.  You have to insert them in the Materials box at the Forge or Crafting Table to see what would happen if you were to use them.

A very happy discovery here was that the lowly Spinach carries with it the power to increase the item's poetncy by   +2 Magic Attack.  I do not think there is any War Trophy that has a Difficulty Level of 9 that has the same potential at the start of the game.

Note furthermore that this list is not exhaustive.  It is simply a little project that I undertook using whatever was in my Backpack, Fridge and Storage in the middle of Spring in the first year.  It is not the potency of the Items that make them useful particularly but the fact that they can be used with very little forging or crafting experience.  Obviously, you will obtain many War Trophies with far greater potency but you will be unable to use them as your total RP will be insufficient.  These all require little RP to use.

Toyherb:  Vit +1, Ftg Res 5%
Moondrop: Int +1
Pink Cat: Int +2

Medicinal Herb: Ftg Res +1%
Antidote Grass: Psn Res +3%
Rock: Critical 1%
Branch: ATK +1
Can: Knock +1%
Lumber: ATK +1
Material Stone: Critical +1

N.B.  The stats of Lumber are no different from Branch, nor is Material Stone any different from Rock... no point in processing the raw material if using in forging or crafting.

Potato: Vit +2
Turnip: Str +1
Spinach: Mag Attack +2
Radish: Vit +3

Bamboo Sprout: ATK +1

Roundoff: Seal Res +7%
Paragone: Para Res +7%

Food items can be used to raise the level of the Weapon or Accessory but will not give any increased stats to it.  The value of the food item in terms of those stats will accrue only if you eat it. I am speaking here of Cooked Dishes and Ingredients purchased at the Market. Crops, on the other hand, DO affect stats as do Medicines.

Another tip that may be helpful in terms of acquiring Materials that you cannot access through dungeon hunts or 'dungeon farming' near the start is to take any unusual item that is given as a Reward for completing a Request and shipping it rather than using it.  You can use your Prince/Princess Points early on to bring a Gem Merchant to the village.  He will stand in the northwest corner of the main chamber of the Bathhouse and will sell random Gems, Crystals and Ores that you have shipped previously.  He will NOT offer any item that has not been shipped.

Thus, for instance, when you complete the Request that carries Silver as a Reward, make certain to SHIP that piece of Silver if you are at a point in the game where you have not reached a dungeon that contains any Silver.  Silver is needed in almost all the Weapons and Armour that can be made early in the game above the level of those made with Bronze.

Finally, there is a good use for Scrap Metal and all the Iron that you find everywhere at the start.  Use it to upgrade any cheap item made at the Forge or Crafting Table, NOT in order to equip the finished product but to ship it only.  You need to practice your forging and crafting (as well as cooking!) in order to raise your Level to the point where you actually can use GOOD materials and make powerful weapons and accessories.  One way to do this is by making hundreds of Broadswords and Small Shields and so on, upgrading each to Level 10 before shipping them.  As I wrote at the very start of this post, any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game imitates life in the sense that nothing is easy, and everything good takes time, energy and patience!

N.B.  I have written about this elsewhere, but it probably is worth repeating for the player who is unfamiliar with the game.  Any Material used to upgrade a Weapon, Tool, Armour or Accessory will give its value ony ONCE to that item.  In other words, it is only the first piece of Iron that you use to upgrade an Item that will increase the potency of it.    You can use 8 more Iron Ore on a Level 1 item and the LEVEL will increase to the maximum of 10 but the stats will not change after the first piece is used.

Iron by the way is useful stuff where increasing your own Skill Levels are concerned, because you find it everywhere.  I ship very little in the initial stages of the game, choosing to store it for use in Forging and Crafting instead. 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Locations of Rare Monsters in RF4 and Rare Items

Nowadays, there are plenty of Guides on the internet that list all the Monsters and all War Trophies perhaps, but I still feel it may be useful to give a few tips about the locations of some of the rare Monsters and some of the rare War Trophies and items:

There are four elementals of different colours, simply given the name of their colours.  They make wonderful allies but it can be difficult to find them.  They only appear rarely in their designated locations, so if you really are determined, you should save, then go on and off the screen until one appears.

Green:  When you first explore Idra Cave, you will have an opportunity to accept a little Green into your Party if you have a Monster Barn with a free slot.  After that, you can find them in the little screen with the pond in the Maya Road area.

Blue:  South of Cave in Sechs Territory
Red:  On Autumn Road on the screen east of the Revival Cave
Yellow:  Sercerezo Hill on the screen with five stumps west of Idra Cave.

The following are Monsters that occasionally drop a very rare item:

Pink Dragon: rune Prana 6: Love Sclae
Yellow Dragon: Rune Prana 6: Glitter Scale
Golem: Floating Empire, Golem Stone
Guardian Rune Prana 6: Golem Spirit Stone

Monday, 2 February 2015

Birthday Gifts and Salutations

At this point in the game, Freya had won but still was wandering about Rune Prana, not having yet found Ventuswill.  It was the third year and she had established dating rights with ALL the bachelors. Her birthday is, as always 4 Autumn.  In Rune Factory 4, this sadly is the day of the Eating Contest.  Nonetheless, the first dialogue from every villager concerned her birthday.  Reloading to see if the gifts remained constant, she discovered that they did stay the same, which is why they are included here.  It is possible that they change every year, however.

Vishnal:  Good morning.  It is time to be up, Princess.  Princess, Happy Birthday.  (Happy Birthday!  Yes.)  Here.  I have a birthday present for you.
Freya:  (Thanks!)  Thanks!
Vishnal:  Princess?
Freya:  Hmm?
Vishnal:  I, um...  I love you.
Freya.  (Yeah)  Thank you.

Gift  Yellow Ribbon

Leon:  What, do you miss the sound of my voice?  (Happy Birthday)  Today's your birthday, right?  Happy Birthday.  (Here.)  Here.
Freya:  (Thank you very much.)  Thank you.
Leon:  No, thank YOU.  It's because of you that I don't die of boredom.
Freya:  Huh...?
Leon:  I am glad that you exist here, in this era.

Gift:  Grilled Lamp Squid  (Ugh, but HE loves it!  If you give one you made yourself:  Ah!  Are you sure I can have this?  Ha ha!  Thank you!  This is my favourite dish.  Hmm, when should I have it?)

Volkanon:  (Ah, Happy Birthday!)  Miss Freya!  Happy Birthday! (Here you go!)  I have prepared a special present for you on this wonderful occasion!
Freya:  (Thank you so much.)  Really?  Thanks!

Gift:  Greenifier

Forte:  (Congratulations!)  Today is your birthday, correct?  Happy Birthday.  I, erm, I attempted to craft a birthday present for you, but...  (NO!)  AHEM!  I, er, I hope you like it.
Freya:  (Thank you very much!)  Thank you.
Forte:  I think i'll try again once I've practiced making sweets a bit more.

Gift:  Disastrous Dish  (Obviously, she was trying to make a Cake, but failed superbly!)

Clorica:  (Congratulations!)  Happy Birthday, Freya!  Here, I have a present for you.

Gift:  Curry Rice

Arthur  Master, Happy Birthday!  (Here!)  Here.  A present for you.
Freya:  (Thank you SO much!)  Oh!  Thank you!
Arthur:  It's nothing.  I'm simply glad you enjoy it.  After all, I like seeing you smile.  (You're too cute!)
Freya:  Huh...?
Arthur:  Heh heh.

Kiel:  (oh!)  Oh hey, Honey!  Today is your birthday, isn't it?  (Happy Birthday!  Here you are!) Here, Honey!
Freya:  Apple Pie?
Kiel:  Yep!  I worked really hard to make it for you.
Freya:  Yikes!  I see dark circles under your eyes.
Kiel:  Will you take it?
Freya:  O=of course!  Thanks!
Kiel:  You're welcome!

Gift:  Apple Pie, as declared.

Blossom:  (Freya, Happy Birthday)  Freya, Happy Birthday. Here.  It may not be much, but I have a present for you.

Gift: Ruby

Doug: (It's fall already.  Happy Birthday!)  Hey, today's your birthday, right?  Happy Birthday!
  Here, this one's for this year.

Gift: Fried Rice

Illuminata:  (Woo hoo!  Happy Birthday!)  Today's your birthday, right?  Happy Birthday!
  Oh, and here!  A present for you.
Freya:  (Thank you so much!)  Thank you!
Illuminata:  No problem.  No problem at all!  (laughter)  You'll love it.  I just know you will!

Gift:  Fireflower Seeds

Xiao Pai:  Oh yes.  It seems today is your birthday.  (Happy Birthday!)  Happy Birthday.  Oh, and there is a present, too.
Freya:  A present?  For who?
Xiao Pai:  Hmm?  You, silly.
Freya: ... Thanks.
Xiao Pai: You're welcome.  Of course, it's not like it turned out this way because i didn't have time to kill.
Freya:  ...

Gift:  Chinese Manju

Pico:  Dolly, milaaady!  Oomph!...Oh, hi, Freya!
Freya:  You seem in good spirits today, Pico.
Pico:  (Happy Birthday!)  Freya's birthday is today, isn't it?
Dolce:  Oh yes.  It is.  Happy Birthday.
Pico;  You act like you almost forgot, but what's that you're holding, milady?
Dolce:  O-oh!  I, erm, just happened to have some extra handy.
Freya:  Thanks.  I love it.
Dolce:  Oh, well.  If you're happy with that little  thing, I could give you as many as you want.
Pico: Never mind that it took you days and days to pick that ou-- MMPH!!
Dolce:  Pay her no mind.

Gift:  Hand-knit Scarf

Margaret:  Happy Birthday, Freya!  Here, I made a birthday present for you.
Freya:  (Thanks!)  Really?  Thanks!
Margaret:  Um... I'm glad I chose not to go with a song written by me this time.  The last one got so popular, every one sang it.  It's so embarrassing for me to even listen to it now...

Gift:  4 leaf Clover

Amber:  (Hi!)  I heard it's your birthday today, Freya.  Happy Birthday!  Oh yeah!  Here, I have a present for you.  I worked really hard to make it.
Freya:  (Thanks!)  Oh, wow.  Thanks.  You're welcome.

Gift: Honey

Porcoline:  HAAAAAH...
Freya:  Procoline?
Freya:  (Porcoline?!)  Porcoline?
Porco:  (Ah, Congratulations!)  HAAAAAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Freya: ...
Porco:  I thought i'd try wishing you a Happy Birthday, with passion!
Freya:  Um, thanks.
Freya:  (Thank you very much.)  Present, right?  Thank you.
Porco:  (NO!)  No fair!  You cut moi off!

Gift:  Grilled Snapper

Lin Fat: Today is your birthday, isn't it?  Happy Birthday!  Here, I have a present for you.  I hope you like it.  (Happy Birthday.)  I have a birthday present for you.  I hope you like it.
Freya:  Oh, thanks.
Lin Fa  You're very welcome.

(I think the duplication is unintentional.)

Gift: Silver

Dylas:  Today's your birthday, right?  Uh, here.  This is for you.
Freya  A present for me?  (Thank you!)  Thanks!
Dylas:  Whatever.  I just happened to think of it, is all.
Freya:  Why don't you just admit the truth already?
Dylas:  Sh-shaddup!

Gift: Cake

Jones:  (Happy Birthday!)  Freya, Happy Birthday.  It's today, right?
Freya:  (Thank you very much!)  Yes!  Thank you.
Jones:  Oh, good.  I have a present for you.  I hope you like it.  i'm not very good at picking out presents, you see.  I'm not sure I got something you would like.
Freya:  Thank you very much.)  No, this is wonderful.  Thanks.

Gift:  Formula C

Nancy:  (Happy Birthday)  Today is your birthday, yes?  Happy Birthday!  Here.  I made this for you.  I hope it's an appropriate birthday present for you.
Freya: (Thank you very much!)  Th-thank you.  You didn't ahve to do all this just for me.
Nancy:  Oh, don't worry.  I did it because I wanted to.

Gift: Emerald

Bado:  (Hi!  Happy Birthday.)    Hey, Freya.  It's your birthday, right?  Happy Birthday.  Coincidentally, I had this really neat item that, for some odd reason, wouldn't sell!  Your're smart!  I think you'll be able to find a use for it.  Here.
Freya:  So, um... it's a present, then, right?  Thank you.
Bado:  No problem!  You're welcome.
Freya:  Um...

Gift:  Monkey Plush

Pretty Becky:  I'm looking for a Gem called the White Stone.  Have you heard anything about it?

There is an ongoing Town Event, so I run into that when I go into the village and find Clorica, Arthur and Forte hanging about the airship again.

Arthur:  So it seems some  type of riding beast is necessary.
Forte:  Yes.
Clorica:  How about a Giant Beetle?
Forte:  Erm... perhaps not.  Their backs seem too slick to make riding easy.
Arthur:  Well then, how about a Buffamoo?
Forte:  Hmm.  Those seem easy to ride.
Arthur:  Yes.  And they are awfully cute.
Forte:  But, like any cow, they lack speed.
Arthur:  I find their leisurely pace quite adorable.
Clorica:  Why don't we go ask Bado?  Maybe he has an idea.
Arthur:  Ah, that makes sense.
Forte: ERm, what makes you mention Bado's name?
Arthur:  It seems he has a new sales idea that requires him to collect monsters.
Forte:  What...?

Clorica:  Oh yes! I had something I was going to ask Forte... But I just forgot it again.
Arthur:  It seems Bado has begun collecting monsters.  I heard it is for a new sales idea he has, but I'm not sure of any of the details.  Perhaps if you visit his shop, you might be able to find out more from him.

I walk into the Forge to experience the next Event.

Bado is standing in front of a large Minotaur.

Me: !
Bado:  Whoa, whoa...!  There ya go.  (All right!)  Good girl!  Oh, hi Freya.  Mind letting us past?

I trot away from the doorway.

Bado:  Whoa.  Whoa there!  Thatta girl.

He leaves.

I stand there.
Freya: (...)  ...?

Kiel enters now.

Me: (!)
Kiel:  Oh!  Hi, HOney.  Has my sister come by yet?
Freya:  I don't think so.  When I got here it was just me and Bado.
Kiel:  Ah.  I found a really neat book that I wanted to show to her, but oh well.
Freya:  A neat book?
Kiel  Yeah!  This one, it's about a legendary knight.  It's so cool! See?  Especially this part!  It's his best line!  'A knight is no knight unless he rides a horse.'
Freya: (!)  That line...
Kiel:  I so wanna show this to Forte.  I just know she'll love it!  I think I'll go looking for her.  (See you later!)

He leaves.

I turn towards the counter now.
Freya: (!)  Hm?  What's this?  A note from Bado?  'I'm presently working on a new product line.  Please come to the castle if you want to talk to me.'

When I go outside from my chamber to the plaza, even though it's a Festival Day and 11.00, the Event has superceded it.

Bado is there with Clorica, Vishnal and Forte.

Bado:  Okay, are you ready?
Forte:  Come!  I'm ready whenever you are.
Freya:  Uh, what are you guys doing?
Vishnal:  Oh, hello, Princess.
Clorica:  As you can see, they're looking for a monster that can be Forte's new mount.
Bado:  Let's start with this one.

Screen darkens then when a Silver Wolf is there:
Forte:  It... is rather fluffy.  And... cute.
Bado:  Ha ha!  That's really girly of you, Forte!
Forte:  S-silence, i-is't not!
Bado:  How about this one?
Now it is a Fish.

Bado:  Well?
Forte:  Erm..  Wait, yuck! It's slimy!  Keep it away from me!   Hmm.  Okay, this one next.
It's a Tortoise.
Bado:  Do you recongise this cute little turtle you saved all those years ago?
Forte:  I... I can't say that I do actually.
Bado:  Oh well, I guess that isn't surprising, considering I just made that up.
Forte:  Why, you...!  You tricked me!
Bado:  Right, on to the next one.
Now it is the Minotaur.
Forte:  No, just... no.
Bado:  Aw, why not?  I think it's perfect for you.
Forte:  What about that is perfect?
Bado:  Hmph.  Well, all right then.  I'll just go and look for other customers.  More  ppreciative ones at that.
Forte: Dont give up so quickly!  You're an adult, show some tenacity!
Bado: Yeah, yeah.  It's time for you to get off, now.
Forte:  But...
He marches off with the Minotaur in tow.

Forte:  *SIIIGH*

Clorica:  Forte looks like she is really having fun.
Vishnal:  Still, I have to wonder if this will all work out.
Clorica:  If what will all work out?
Vishnal:  What, you don't remember?

I speak to Forte now and the next event is initiated.
Forte: ...  I'm no true knight, am I/
Volkanon steps up with a fanfare:
Volkanon:  Ha ha haaah!  I thought this might be the case!
Forte:  That voice...!
Every one: (!)
Volkanon:  Accordingly, I have taken the liberty of procuring the perfect mount for you, Lady Forte!
Forte: You have?  Thank you, Volkanon!  I'm much obliged!
Volkanon:  And here it is!

An Elefun emerges from the main entrance of the castle and trumpets.
Forte:  An ... elefun?
Volkanon:  Precisely!
Forte:  Not a horse...?
Volkanon:  Do not worry, lady!
Forte:  Why not?!
Volkanon:  An elefun is far stronger and far tougher than any horse!
Forte: ...
Clorica:  Oh dear.  It looks like Forte has gone into a state of shock.
Volkanon:  I see.  And here I thought it would be an elephantine job to get her to ride the beast... But it seems it was no big tusk at all!  Ha ha ha!
Every one: (...)
The Elefun trumpets again and displays cross hurt.
Freya:  Huh?
Volkanon:  Hm?  What is the matter, Patrascha?

The elefun races out of the castle, tramples Volkanon down and escapes.
Volkanon:  Patrascha...?!
He follows with tear.
Forte:  Darn it!  I have no choice, do I...
She follows...

Clorica;  My, things have turned very exciting, haven't they?
Volkanon:  Clorica, don't just stand there.  we need to chase after them!

Now I follow and find every one on the drawbridge.
Forte:  Whew!  I managed to catch up!
Volkkanon:  Patrascha!  You know better than to do that!  You had me so worried I.. I could cty! WAAAAAAAH!!!
Clorica;  Ahh, what a touching reunion.
Vishnal  I-I guess...
Kiel;  Huh?

He comes from the south.
Kiel"  Oh, hey every one!  What are you doing here...
The Elefun trumpets and starts to charge Kiel.
Clorica;  Oh no!
Vishnal:  Look out!
Kiel:  Huh?

The screen goes black and words appear:
Forte:  You will not touch my brother!!
She knocks the Elefun on its back and it goes off to the right.
Volkanon:  Patrascha!!!
He races off to the right.
Forte:  Are you all right, Kiel?
Kiel:  Yeah, I'm fine.
Forte:  Good. I'm glad.  So... very glad...!
Kiel:  Forte...  He was right.  A knight is still a knight, even without a horse...
Forte:  What...?
Kiel:  I was reading a really neat book about this one famous knight.  Once I finished it, I wanted to lend it to you so you could read it too.  I thought you'd like it.  See, at the very end of the book, the knight finally realises something very important.

Screen black:  People don't become knights just because they have armour and ride on a horse.  Any one can be a true knight when they find the one thing they want to protect more than anything.

Kiel:  Isn't that cool?
Forte: ...  Yes.  Yes, it is.
Clorica:  Forte...  So that is why you were trying so hard to find a horse.  So you could be a knight for Kil.
Forte:  Wh-what?!  I-I never said anything like that.
Clorica:  Oh?  You weren't?
Forte:  Well... a little yes, a little no...  But anyway!  What are you doing here, Clorica?
Clorica:  Huh?  Me?  Oh...  I think there was something I needed to tell you.  Do you remember what it was?
Forte:  Erm, no.  I can't say that I do.

The screen darkens.  Now we see Vishnal walk into the throne room.
Vishnal:  Sheesh.  Clorica, you completely forgot about that letter, haven't you.  It says... 'We are conducting a review, and would like to confirm that Forte is performing well as a knight.'  'If you have questions as to her abilities, we will immediately send a more capable replacement.'  Can you believe that/  Personally, I don't see why they felt they needed to send this letter.  And should we tell them of what just happened, that should be plenty to alleviate their doubts.  There's a famous legend about a knight that saves a child from a rampaging elefun.  Well, Forte just did exactly what that legendary knight did.  Who could doubt her now?

Now back on the drawbridge:
Clorida:  Aww, the elefun went away.
Volkanon:  Patrasche!
Freya:  Uh, Forte...?
Forte:  Oh, Freya.  You ... saw the whole thing, didn't you?
Freya:  Yeah.
Forte:  I'm sorry you had to witness something so embarrassing.

My choices:  You can say that again.
You looked really cool!

YOu looked really cool!
Forte:  What...?
Freya:  I was just thinking how grat a sister you are, Forte.
Kiel:  You've got that right!
Forte:  Kiel...!
Freya:  Every day we see how awesome a knight you are.  But today we got so see just ho w adorable a sisgter you can be, too.  I think it's great.
Forte:  Wha...?!
Freya:  Hm?  Is something wrong?
Forte: N=no...  It's just, erm, no one has ever said that to me before, and I...
Freya:  You what?
Forte  N=never mind!
Freya:  Oh.
Forte: ...
Freya:  Forte?
Forte:  I-it's nothing!  W-well then, it's time we were going hom, Kiel.  come on.
Kiel:  Okay!  Oh yeah1  And here, you can borrow this book, too.
Forte:  Oh, erm, thank you.
Kield;  I know!  I think i'll make your favourite dish for dinner, too!
Forte:  That sounds excellent.
Kiel;  He ghe!  Just you wait.  It's gonna be the best one I've ever made!
Clorica:  Aww, isn't it nice how well they get along?
Volkanon (groaning):  Patrasche...

Kiel:  A knight is a knight, whetehr she has a horse to ride or not.
If I had chosen:  You can say that again!
Forte:  Urk.../!
But then I still say:  I was just thinking how great a sister you are, Forte.

Coorica;  Oh right!  I just remembered I forgot that I had to tell something to Forte.  What was it again?  Hmm..  I thnk i'll go check with Vishnal.  Maybe he remembers.

Forte:  So any one can be a knight once they find the things they want to protect the most.  I never realised the book would end is such a fashion. ... Erm, wait!  I't not what you think.  I did not in any way skim through Kiel's books to make sure he was not reading anything unseemly.  And I certainly didn't let one half-read book bother me to the point I needed to buy a horse!

Kiel:  It's the best season for reading, Honey.  A night is a knight, whether she has a horse to ride or not.   In fact, even though she's naive, blunt, clumsy and a scaredy-cat, she's still an awesome knight!
Freya:  I'm sure he didn't mean that like it sounded.

After, when I spoke to Dylas in the square:
Dylas:  I heard Forte askedArthur and Bado to get her a horse.
My cchoices now:
Change into one for her?
No one ponied up though.

Change into one for her?
Daylas:  Hey!  No!

No one ponied up for her, though.
Dylas:  ... Was that supposed to be funny?

Saturday, 3 January 2015

A Few Useful Tips for Gameplay

Differences between Rune Factory 4 and prior Rune Factory Games

There are many differences between RF4 and prior games in the series but here are some that deal with weapons.

Allies and their Weapons

Basically, whenever you talk to some one, even when that individual is officiating behind a counter in a shop, you have the option to ask him/her to accompany you on an adventure.  Press the R button during any conversation to obtain the option, which begins with your Character saying, 'By the way...'  (There are options to ask the individual for a date as well.)  Each Character has his/her own weapon of choice.   When you press the Select Button, you will see many tabs at the top of the screen.  There is a Friendship/Love tab that has two different pages.  One is for people and the other for Pets/Monsters.  When you access the description for any Character, you can press the L Button to see that Character's Weapons, Armour and Accessories.

Note, however, that you will NOT be able to see the Weapons/Accessories Menu if you never asked the Character to accompany you on an advanture.  It is only when you have made that invitation that the information will be added to the Character's Description.

Every Character has a Weapon type of choice. Usually the default with which he/she is armed at the start is not the best of its kind.  Forge better weapons and equipment for the Character and give them as gifts (Choose Hold instead of Equip) to improve their usefulness as allies in battle.

Another reason to equip your Allies is to advance your level of Experience at the Forge and Crafting Table.  As with any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, a huge number of items miust be made, again and again, in order to make significant progress.  You can make multiple items but a warning here:  the default in every case will use the BEST ingredients or materials that you have.  In other words, even if you place the least valuable ingredients in each slot, if you make 2 of the item instead of 1, the second will take your BEST ingredients.  This can be rather frustrating if you were saving those for something specific.

Your Ability to Craft

Although any Craft whether in the Kitchen or at the Forge depends upon Experience Level, eating Recipe Breads will add only certain types of Items to your Menus, especially where Weapons are concerned.

You need to make that type of Weapon repeatedly  in order to be able to learn new Recipes for it.   Even at Forge Level 79, you will not have ANY Gloves Recipes, for example, if you never made any Glove Recipes.

If you have the required Experience Level for forging a Weapon, even if you do not have the Recipe in your Recipe Book, you can choose: 'Do not use Recipe' and then make the Weapon if you know what ingredients must be used to be successful.  This is where a Recipes Guide can be very useful.

Once you have made any Recipe successfully, it will be added to your Recipe Book.    Note, however, that any item made without a Recipe, even if you know the ingredients that are required, will use far more RP than a comparable item made WITH the Recipe.  An example of this is the highest level of Farm Tools that can be crafted at the Forge.  With Forge Level 82 and a total RP of 1685, Freya had no trouble whatsoever forging the Blessed Hoe, the Legendary Sickle and the Miracle Axe, as she had found the Recipes for these on the mountain on which Leon Karnak was built.  Without the other Recipes in her book, however, the RP required to forge the highest level of Fishing Rod, Hammer and Waterpot was double that of her maximum RP and thus, even with the proper ingredients, she met with failure again and again.  The ingredients were transformed into Scrap Metal, which made the entire business a waste of time, energy and materials.  If, however, the Item you wish to craft is one that requires a low level of Experience and you have a high Level, there should be no problem in making the Item without having the Recipe in your Book.  As previously stated, once made successfully, the Recipe WILL be added to your Recipe Book.

Raising Experience Levels at the Forge

In any Harvest Moon or Rune Factory game, the best players always look ahead.  It is impossible to make good weapons if you do not have experience at the Forge.  Your Shipping List includes every Weapon and Tool.  After making one or discarding one that you made previously in favour of a more powerful Weapon or Tool, ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THAT YOU FORGE IT TO LEVEL 10 before you sling it into the Shipping Bin.  You needn't use good ingredients to make the upgrades.  This is where Scrap Metal is very useful.  Simply upgrade to Level 10 and then ship it.  This will advance your skills at the Forge faster to allow you to make better Weapons.  The same holds true of Armour and Accessories.

Choosing Ingredients for Upgrades

The reason why the game by default will choose the most valuable ingredients to use is because you gain more skill that way but I feel it is better to use those ingredients when one actually wishes to keep the Item in question.  In other words, why waste a Chimera Claw on a sword that one only intends to ship?  A Level 10 sword will ship for the same value and be added to your shipping list irrespective of its attributes.  The only reason to use ingredients with superior attributes is if one intends to give the sword to an ally or keep it for ones own use.

Incidentally, using the same ingredient twice in an upgrade will not increase any attributes.  The ingredient will add its attribute to the Item only once but if it is a required ingredient to MAKE the weapon in the first place, it can be used once to upgrade it.   So, for example, if you use Iron  to make a Breadsword,  its attribute of DEF +1 can be added to the weapon should one use Iron to upgrade the weapon to Level 2.  Use it again to upgrade the Broadsword to Level 3, however, and you will find that the attributes of the Broadsword remain unchanged.

There are a host of inexpensive Items that can be used to make upgrades when all you intend to do is gain experience at the Forge or Crafting Table.  It is not only Scrap Metal that is useful here.  You can use Sticks or any colour of Herb to upgrade your Weapons and Armour if you have no intention of doing anything other than shipping the upgraded item.

Wind Barriers

Rune Prana is difficult, especially if your levels are not that high when you enter the dungeon.  I found the Wind Barriers and the Hornets difficult until I made and equipped a Poison Ring against the stingers and wore the Heavy Boots to get through that final wind barrier that takes you to the two Chests.  The Chests contained three Greenifier + and the Recipe for Anette's Necklace (which was in my Recipe Book!)

Crystal Mammoth

You need massive amounts of Defence for this one.  I used the various Cores to forge a Smash Blade with good Attack and Defence and it made a world of difference.

Round Stone

Writer Roland:  I went fishing by the waterfall in Yokmir Forest.  I found Round Stone there.

Boss Monsters

You can fight the Boss Monsters again and again.  Even the two Guardians at the top of the tower of Leon Karnak will be available for you to 'test your mettle' after you defeat them.  So will Sarcophagus.  So it is possible to ship the Left and Right Shards as well as the Crystal Skull and then obtain them again.

Best Accessory for Protection

In my experience, the best Accessory is the Diamond Brooch.  I had the Talisman and hated it as it only reversed the effects of Poison and so on very slowly and gradually.  Furthermore, a skull appeared over my head while it was working, confusing me and causing me to think I was being poisoned instead.  The Diamond Brooch, on the other hand, offers 100% protection against all status ailments.  I equipped it in Rune Prana 4 and found that nothing affected me negatively.

Rare Items

Tips to find a few of the rare items:

Rune Crystals

Rune Crystal;  These are found when you hit a Rune Crystal with your Hammer.  They are random and rare.  To find a screen with many chances, you can go from the Autumn Field to the east two screens and then north one screen to find a screen with at least six Rune Crystals growing.  You are more likely to find them here than on a screen with only one.  If you fail, reload.

Love Crystals
Love Crystals:  Gates load randomly in this game but there are two Love Gates specifically to the east and south of Obsidian Mansion.  Go east and then south to an area with lily pads.  There are two Love Gates here on two screens.  One is to the south of the other.  Again, go back and forth as long as you can stand it.  If too much time is wasted, reload.


I have to confess that I was puzzled by this problem myself, having forgotten some of the ways of Rune Factory!  Ashamed, in fact.  I expandeda couple of my Barns to be able to tame and house some of the more powerful Monsters, but after using them in my party initially, and having sent them home afterwards, could not find them in any of my Barns.  Well, please remember that there can be more than one chamber in a Barn in Rune Factory.  If you expand a barn once, go left to find the second room.  Your poor, neglected new Monsters will be there, wiating for attention!  Incidentally, they may have War Trophies there for you as well that you failed to collect!  It is NOT a glitch.  It is simply another chamber!