Monday, 7 September 2015

Romantic Dates in Rune Factory 4

When you first become eligible to accept dates with bachelors, there are only a couple of options, and they are fairly standard, but later, you will have new options.  One is a date at the Blacksmith.

Here things become far more entertaining.  When you choose the Blacksmith, Bado has a diverse number of dialogues wherein he will address you both at the start of the Event.

Bado:  Have fun love-birds.  Oh yeah, and don't forget to equip whatever you make.  Won't do you any good otherwise!  Not that you'd pass up the chance to equip each other's precious craft works, of course!

Vishnal: Princess, let's do it!
Freya:  Hope we can make it right.
Vishnal:  Don't worry!  I did some special training in the art of the forge!
Freya:  Ooh, sounds grueling!  (I like 'em well-trained...)
Vishnal:  I didn't exactly... do any firled training.  I practiced only in my mind.  But I think that's enough!  I feel confident that I can succeed in this endeavour, so please, discard your worries!
Screen darkens, then:
Created Silver Pendant!)
Vishnal:  It's done!
Freya:  Yaaay!
Vishnal:  It's thanks to your assistance that it's turned out as well as it has.  I would not have been able to accomplish this on my own.  Love truly is almighty!

Now you have a chance as always during a date to make a move on the bachelor either by getting closer physically or holding hands, or 'pat on the head' or 'poke in the cheek'...

Hold hands
Vishnal:  Ah!
Freya:  You don't like it...?
Vishnal:  N-no!  No no no no no!  I-I mean, that's not it!  I do!  I really do1  I've wanted to hold your hand this whole time and I was so focused on that... I-I'm so glad to be here with you like this...
(Displays big red heart)
Vishnal:  Shall we go home?  I'll walk you.
Now you can accept or say you wish to spend more time with him, in which case he will attach himself as your companion for 'an adventure' .

Note that the dialogue from Bado can occur with any bashelor but that the dialogue with the bachelor changes with the particular bachelor.

The actual accessory made is random and if you reload will be different.

Other Bado introductions to the event:

Bado:  All right... everything's ready to go.  Forge to your hearts' desires!  And if the furnace isn't hot enough, you two can always use your fiery love as a bellows!

At first I thought that the type of accessory in terms of Level requirement would be based on the experience level or personality of your date, but that isn't the case.  Kiel, one of the least experienced, created a 'Dolphin Brooch' and Vishnal at one point created a 'Platinum Bracelet', a fairly decent accessory.

This is one of the better Date prospects as you receive Accessories instead of a mere Flower or whatever...  will go through the others again though to see if gifts improve now that Freya is high level LP with all the bachelors.


Although this is not a Date situation, it is interesting.  Whenever you have a companion with you, he/she will take a bath when you choose the same option and afterwards may give you a Gift.

Vishnal:  Aah!  There is nothing better than an Ice Cream after a nice, hot soak.

Note that you can have two companions, both of whom can be Characters or tame Monsters or one of each.  When they are human, as previously stated, they will take baths when you do and all of their energy will be restored as well.

Date at your own Room

As you continue to have dates with bachelors, the list of venues will expand to include, for example, the Blacksmith where you can craft a random Accessory that can be quite valuable.  At some point, having had a few dates with Kiel, I asked for another and HE suggested my room.  I met him in the Square and experienced the following:

Kiel:  So this is your room, huh?  It sure does have the feel of a girl's room!
Freya:: It does?
Kiel:  So what do you usually do when you're at home?
My choices:
I mostly sleep
Chose Housework
Kiel:  Oh, that makes sense!  You're royalty, so I b3et you have a lot of paperwork and stuff to do here in the castle.
Freya:  Erm, no, that's not what I meant...
Kiel:  Huh?  ... Oh, you mean... actual housework?  Like, cleaning and stuff?  That didn't even cross my mind.  I just couldn't picture it!
Freya:  Really?  Why not?
Kiel:  well, you're so cool and stuff, it just didn't seem very ... you
Freya;  ..
Then the usual:  Now's my chance...

We hold hands... then when I choose 'talk'
Kiel:  I guess I should stop sptreading all these rumours.

Not certain how to end this, I craft an Engagement Ring and attempt to give it to him... He won't take it.  I then try to give it to Volkanon who happens to have wandered into my room:

Volkanon:  WHAT?!  That will NEVER do!  Miss Freya!!  You ALREADY have...  ... A very fitting!  Appropriate!  Loving!  Partner!  (Growling loudly now)  To say you choose me on such a whim is utterly scandalous!!

Kiel:  Ooh, I can have it?  Thanks! Wait, this is a Wedding Ring.  I really can't accept one of those.

Can't get rid of the bloody thing.

Mistress Turpin:  After all, I may or maya not have some one waiting for me.
Clumsy Jimmy:  i cant accept this.  Besides, isn't this meant for some one else/

Doug:  Hey, what do you think you're doing?  This is the guy's job!  But never ind that!  This isn't the time for that stuff anyway!

Porco:  OOOH@  Have your feelings finally come through?  I... I... I'M SO HAPPY! ... by which I mean I'm sorry.
Freya:  Wha...?

Dylas;  What the hell is this?  Come up with a better prank next time!

Ln Fa:  Oh my!  A wedding ring?  Why thank you!  It's lovely.  Tee hee!  I'm just kidding.  I already have Papa, you see.

Margaret:  Wha?  Hey, What is this for?  This isn't something you can just hand out to people, you know.

And even the love of my life, Leon:  ... An Engagement Ring?  I'll pretend I never saw this.  It's not, after all, something I could accept right now.

Barrett:  What the hell is this?
My choices:  Marry me, Teacher.
Just kidding.
For the hell of it, Marry me, Teacher.
Barrett:  You can't be serious!
My choices now:
Students deserve love.
Just kidding.
Students deserve love.
Barrett:  Not like that, they don't.  Sorry, but I can't do this. Especially if you're pretending to be a student.
My choices now:
Can I at least get a hug?
I was just kidding.
Can I at least get a hug?
Barrett: ?!.. Will that get you to give up?
Now, my choices:
I was just kidding.
It was just a joke.
I was just kidding.
Barrett:  Hey!... Don't make fun of teachers, all right?

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